Gender Idenity
I have been thinking a lot about gender recently. Gender is an interesting thing, generally used to refer to one's sex in casual conversation. Before I go on, I want to clarify that I will be using sex to refer to people who are male and female and gender to refer to the socially constructed roles for those who are male and female. This is an important distinction for what I will be talking about. Growing up in Portland, Oregon, which has one of the largest numbers of transgender people in the metropolitan areas, I had the opportunity to talk to a number of people who identified as transgender. A number of them had transitioned with the aid of surgery and/or hormones. Talking with these people, I interestingly found a number of reasons why they identified as transgender, reasons I have categorized as because of their sex or because of their gender. A very small number of people who were transgender had a base reason for their sex. A friend of mine transitioned because he fe...