Early Marriage

 Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today! Or rather, it is what will bring you and your spouse together in the future. Or now. I dunno when you got married. Marriage is hard. Adjusting to living with someone 24/7 is hard. You used to think that they were perfect and now you are not sure. There are some adjustments that need to be made. 

In the beginning, both partners must adapt to living together. You need to learn to share responsibilities. There is a period of time when you guys are working to merge your individual routines and habits. Adjusting to a new living environment and integrating each other's lifestyles can be difficult! On top of that, you are both used to managing your own finances however you want and now you have to do that together and agree on that stuff. Couples often face financial difficulties as they establish their household and merge their incomes and expenses. Budgeting, managing debts, and making financial decisions together can be hard, especially if there are differing attitudes or approaches toward money. If you think you need to really focus on saving and your husband or wife is a spendthrift you may face challenges as you try to work together to bridge that gap.

Because of these difficulties, communication is important. Communication is key! Effective communication is vital in any relationship, and especially early marriage, which is no exception. Couples may struggle to communicate their needs, expectations, and concerns clearly. They may be not used to clearly communicating or may not want to appear weak or whatever. This, however, is can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and resentment.

Marriage brings changes in roles and responsibilities. You may be used to being independent but as a married couple, you need to work together and rely on each other, each taking different but complementary roles to best meet needs. Adjusting to new roles as spouses, homemakers, or parents (when you have kids) can create tension and uncertainty, especially when expectations and societal norms come into play. Communication and being willing to help one another is also vital here. Each partner may have different family backgrounds, cultures, or traditions. They have different ideas of what they should do and what the others will do. One does not just know this. You need to express your desires and thoughts. Navigating these differences, managing relationships with in-laws, and finding a balance between both families' expectations can be a challenge. Work together!

As you go through this challenge you guys will have disagreements, that is normal! Not everything will always be sunshine and rainbows. Suck it up and talk about it. Help each other out! Do not let the disagreements become arguments. Have companion inventory. Tell them how you feel. Listen. Be willing to put your side out there but do not let it be the hill you die on (unless it needs to be :) ). You guys will make it if you put your heads together and remember why you got married and that you matter to each other. 

Marriage is hard, it really is. It is also super fantastically awesome (according to my parents and married siblings). It is okay to struggle and it is okay to face challenges and difficulties. Do not give up. Work together, be willing to bend, and compromise. As you do you will grow as a person. You will often become kinder and more patient and smarter. You will also grow together as a couple. You will be able to figure things out and become stronger and more united. This will especially help when kids come. Hope this helps!


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