Sexual Relationships and Marriage

 There are many aspects that affect human relationships between people, and one big thing that affects these romantic relationships is sexual relationships. I believe that sexual relationships should exist between only a man and a woman who is bound by the holy bonds of matrimony. There are many reasons why it is important to keep sexual intimacy within the bounds of matrimony. One such reason is because studies have shown that the more sexual partners you have before marraige, the more likely you are to have said marriage end in divorce. Recent studies have shown that of woman with 10 or more sexual partners before marraige, eighteen percent will have their marriage end in divorce. Of those who have six to nine sexual partners, fourteen percent of their marriages will end in divorse, of those who have four to five sexual partners beofre marraige eighteen percent will have their marriages end in divorce. Those with 3 parners, eleven percent will have their marriage end in divorce, with two, twelve percent will end in divorce, with one twenty two will end in divorce. The truely amazing statistic is that of women who had no sexual partners before they got married, only five percent of their marriages end in divorce. shows this study of 273 marriages in the 2010’s, showing this data. This observational study, asking divorced woman how many sexual partners they have had before marrage, shows strong evidence that having sexual relations outside of marraige can cause people to be more likely to have their eventual marriage end in divorce.

There is also a link showing that the more often a person goes to church, the less sexual partners they are likely to have before marriage. This is an important statistic because it shows that as one consistatly goes to church, whatever religin they believe in, the less they will have pre marital sex and linking that to our previous statistic, the less likely they are to have their marriage end in divorce.

Another thing to think about is the effect of pornography on a marraige. Pornography is increasingly and more readily available nowadays then ever before. These days, everyone has at least been exposed to pornography, and many have fallen down the pit and into the trap of porn. There are many problems that come with pornography. One thing pornography does is it sets unrelistic expectations for what a marriage or relationship should be like. Pornography can lead people to want and desire something that doesnt happen in real life, causing disappointment and unfulfilled desires when things dont play out the way they would like them to. Porn also can cause emotional disconnection within a relationship. As porn portrays sexual relations that are so beautiful within marraiges as something purely sexual, purely physical, it can remove the emotional bond that is so essential for both sexual relations and relationships. It can also hinder communication that is vital to a relationship. Porn is a big problem that leads in many cases to infidelity.

These problems are things we need to understand and be able and willing to teach about, especially to the younger generations as well as understand them ourselves. As time goes on pornography and more casual pre marital relationships, as well as infidelity, are being seen as more okay and are being treated more casually. This is helping in the breakdown of families and is something that needs to be addressed and taught about as these become more readally available. As we work to teach about it and speak up on the topic of these diseases that are infiltrating our society we may be able to help reduce this plague and make the world a little better for our future families and kids. We can help prepare the way for a zion society.


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